Projects |
Brand EU – Branding, Marketing and Monitoring

Brand EU Marketing and Monitoring
Brand EU as a brand of a peoples’ union
We work to align the perception of the EU with the brand reality. To do this it is crucial to understand the current perceptions of the EU, what truly makes its identity and what it represents for people in Europe and abroad. We monitor the current state of the EU brand by analysing global news, social media, field research, polls and also via individual expert interviews. We aim to develop a clear understanding of the EU’s perception beyond Europe in countries such as the MEDITERRANEAN COUNTRIES, TURKEY, RUSSIA, USA, LATAM and CHINA. Understanding how other nations perceive the EU’s future role as a partner and in the global order is crucial to create better policies, good diplomacy and engagement.
The Brand EU Marketing Department activities include:
- Monitoring perceptions and communications of the Brand EU in Europe and internationally
- Developing research and publications on key BRAND EU topics and issues
- Communicating a strategic vision, future scenarios, brand strategies and policy statements
- Identifying key iconic themes about the EU
- Creating, designing and managing campaigns and IP on EU
- Creating clear, simple and fun communications about the EU
- Responding to Eurosceptic myths created about the EU
- Developing marketing partnerships & alliances
- Creating a social media presence
- Positioning EU in global rankings for different areas and industries
BRAND EU was founded by global vision and brand strategist Nicolas De Santis. He has developed the brand of the International European Movement and has advised the European Parliament and the European Commission on European identity issues and the launch of the EURO. His brand strategy expertise includes global brands such as Coca Cola, British Airways, Santander, Disney, Ferrovial, Canal+, Scottish Power, Iberdrola and Pirelli.
BRAND EU is supported by leading experts in many different fields and areas relevant to the strategic and policy issues facing the EU brand, including defence and security, jobs, immigration, economics & finance, culture and sport, energy, transport, environment, etc.
Global Activities: Brand EU
Our global agenda includes a map of activities, actions, policies and events happening during a calendar year that we believe are valuable for BRAND EU to participate in. We engage projects via our partners, national embassies of both EU and non EU countries, NGO’s, international organisations, the media, academia and the business community. BRAND EU selects key events to attend based on a criteria of excellence and the ability of the event, its agenda and speakers to transmit the key values, brand attributes and policies of our BRAND EU programmes.
Propose an event to us: If you would like to organise a BRAND EU event or have BRAND EU speak at your event contact:
Use our Brands: If you want to use BRAND EU® and/or Captain Euro® at your event contact:
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