Brexit is a bad idea and is breaking Britain apart. We work to build a brand vision of Europe that unites people, hearts and minds
BREXIT is now a reality and a "wake up" call for the 'distant' EU. So what happens next?
BREXIT is now a reality and a "wake up" call for the 'distant' EU. So what happens next?
Pepa Bueno interviews Nicolas De Santis on his new Brexit – Future of Europe Scenarios 2025 Report.
Brexit can lead to Europe’s collapse and world chaos. Staying in the EU leads to a sustainable world.
New European scenarios report highlights consequences of voting on the EU Referendum.
De Santis is interviewed by Angela Antetomaso to discuss the potential impact of Brexit on the world.
Barack Obama believes strongly in keeping the UK in the EU in the upcoming referendum.
De Santis discusses the current Greek financial crisis and the issues related to the upcoming EU referendum in the UK.