The Current State of European Union’s Governance & the Potential for Greater Political Integration

This Global Policy Briefing provides an in depth analysis of the current levels of political organisation in Europe (i.e. national, European, regional, subnational, municipal).

Project Team:

Julian M. Hoerner – Research Fellow, Gold Mercury International

Nicolas De Santis – President of Gold Mercury International

Chon Kemp – Corporate Affairs, Gold Mercury International

Maria Mateos – Creative Studios, Gold Mercury International



31 pages

Reading time:

20 minutes

It investigates the different conceptualisations of the EU (i.e. federalism, confederalism, consociationalism, multi-level governance, international organisation), and raises critical points regarding the future of European Integration.

It elaborates on the institutional complexity of the EU by analysing exclusive, shared and state competences, as well as the impact and application of EU treaties.

It states that Europe is currently lacking a clear vision and direction, according to which the European project should be developed.

Lastly, it provides policy recommendations, based on the findings of academic literature and existing studies in the field of European politics, regarding the lack of politicisation at the EU level, the lack of European demos and the democratic deficit.

Maria MateosThe Current State of European Union’s Governance & the Potential for Greater Political Integration

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