Boris Johnson pressures “Brexit” by backing “Change Britain” campaign.
Expect more uncertainty and chaos for the U.K
Expect more uncertainty and chaos for the U.K
BREXIT is now a reality and a "wake up" call for the 'distant' EU. So what happens next?
Nicolas De Santis will present his analysis of the situation and BRAND EU’s work to create a brand vision that citizens can understand.
Brexit can lead to Europe’s collapse and world chaos. Staying in the EU leads to a sustainable world.
New European scenarios report highlights consequences of voting on the EU Referendum.
De Santis is interviewed by Angela Antetomaso to discuss the potential impact of Brexit on the world.
London based PRO EU centre works to build a strong brand & vision for a United Europe.
Former Chief Executive of Marks & Spencer is heading the campaign BRITAIN STRONGER IN EUROPE to persuade Britons to stay in the EU.
The EU doesn't intervene unduly in British life - Report buried by UK government!
Nicolas De Santis speaks live on the CNBC UK Election Special 2015, broadcast from the Houses of Parliament in London’s Westminster.