BRAND EU Starts Campaigning for Britain to Stay in the EU
Independent centre, founded by UK web entrepreneur Nicolas De Santis, works to build a strong brand of a United Europe.
Independent centre, founded by UK web entrepreneur Nicolas De Santis, works to build a strong brand of a United Europe.
"President Lula understands the miracle of global governance that is the EU" said Nicolas De Santis, President of Gold Mercury.
Our site has been selected for its work towards communicating a new and clear vision for the EU brand and helping people connect with their European identity.
Former Chief Executive of Marks & Spencer is heading the campaign BRITAIN STRONGER IN EUROPE to persuade Britons to stay in the EU.
Nicolas De Santis gives a class lecture for a course on European Integration at the University of Wyoming, USA.
Our newly launched and exciting brandeu.eu site has just been nominated for an award in the .eu best website in education (Laurels) category!
Barack Obama believes strongly in keeping the UK in the EU in the upcoming referendum.
H.M. King Simeon II of Bulgaria has joined BRAND EU to advance the image and identity of Europe in the world.
Anderson has joined Gold Mercury as an International Advisory Board member and as a BRAND EU programme Ambassador.
De Santis discusses the current Greek financial crisis and the issues related to the upcoming EU referendum in the UK.