Brexit Scenarios Live Interview with Nicolas De Santis
Pepa Bueno interviews Nicolas De Santis on his new Brexit – Future of Europe Scenarios 2025 Report.
Pepa Bueno interviews Nicolas De Santis on his new Brexit – Future of Europe Scenarios 2025 Report.
Brexit can lead to Europe’s collapse and world chaos. Staying in the EU leads to a sustainable world.
New European scenarios report highlights consequences of voting on the EU Referendum.
De Santis is interviewed by Angela Antetomaso to discuss the potential impact of Brexit on the world.
London based PRO EU centre works to build a strong brand & vision for a United Europe.
Nicolas De Santis is interviewed by Angela Antetomaso to discuss the key issues related to the upcoming EU referendum in the UK.
Anderson has joined Gold Mercury as an International Advisory Board member and as a BRAND EU programme Ambassador.
De Santis discusses the current Greek financial crisis and the issues related to the upcoming EU referendum in the UK.
Churchill's "United States of Europe" and Pro-EU work is swept under the rug by Eurosceptics. Brand EU uncover the truth!
De Santis delivers a keynote on the English language and its role in the European Union at the EDUKWEST event on Multilingualism in Europe.